Thursday, March 6, 2008

Featherweight Champion of the World......

Max is the undisputed "Boxing Champion" of the this household. He has boxed nearly everyonei n the place on the Wii (except me and I know when to pick my battles) and he has triumphed every time. He has whipped his mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins.......

Here he is showing his Pa who the "man" is......

and Uncle Bert....
Max has the form and technique down to an art but look closely at the next picture.....this face would scare anyone into submission! And believe me, he has his fierce face on every time. Max takes all competitions very seriously. You just gotta love him. And the Mardi Gras necklace just adds to the allure:)


Mandy said...

I honestly do not understand why he is so good at this game. IT IS A VIDEO GAME!! and he is only five, for pete's sake! Someone has got to be able to beat him!

The Garvie Family said...

I think we need to get him and Kamryn together. She is beating everyone in our house too. She beat Lance yesterday with her eyes closed.

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Kara said...

I am with Mandy...he is only 5 why can't he be beat, maybe I should get Cory after him!

Hilary said...

I love the scary face and beads to go along with his mean boxing moves!!