Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday Night at the Carnival!

Yes, I guess we have "Carnie" blood in our veins, because we had to hit the big carnival in Woodward last night. And, yes, it did rain off and on during the evening, but did it drive us home - no way! The girls had spent money on tickets, and by cracky, they would not leave until every last one was used. Max and Emily actually got a bracelet (unlimited rides) so even after the rest of us left around 8 pm, Max, Emily, Mandy, and Sally stayed until 10, crazy! But the kiddoes had a fun time and I got some cute pictures and that's what matters. :DIn the parking lot, anticipating the fun - Em is not there because she came after softball practice.

I couldn't get Coop to look at me, he was too busy with the view from the big boat.
Sammy always has time to pose for a picture. He is getting ready to ride the Dragon Roller Coaster.
Riding a four-wheeler in the rain.
Max, armed with a gun and riding an airplane, would scare anybody.


Jillian said...

What's a little rain when there's rides to be ridden?? :-D I love carnivals and can't wait to take my boys to one! Looks like the kids had a great time!

Leslie said...

Aw! I miss the Woodward Carnival. We have them here, but they aren't the same.