I cannot believe it has been a year since we met Ruby Ann
Harrel face to face. She has grown so much and is so precious. We get to celebrate with her this weekend but I could not let the actual "day" go by without saying a special "Happy Birthday" to my sweet girl. What a precious gift from God you are!

She was not nearly as impressed with her trip home from the hospital as the rest of us were to have her there.

Ruby and her precious mama, at Christmas. Do you think Rudy looks like she think she is being squeezed with love? Her chubby cheeks always look like that! :) I love you girls!
How the time does fly!
Thanks for the post Mimi! I remember that first week of Ruby's life and how I couldn't have gotten through it without you. Thanks again for all that you do!!!
Man, time DOES fly! Can't believe she's already 1!!
Cute Ruby!
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