You would have thought that we had a major storm this past week, the way the kids wanted to play out in the weather, but all it takes it a little ice to provide some major entertainment! It was also extremely cold so the ice stayed around awhile. We have some terrific new neighbors who just happen to have some precious boys that my grandsons love to play with - so life just doesn't get any better!

There were a few spills (actually more than just a few)...

some speed skating...

more spills...

and some tricky skating. :D The fun lasted awhile, but there were enough crashes tears were involved and a decision was made to take a break from skating. If you'll notice Carter in the background, he is actually running to get his bike helmet. Now this guy is thinking - nothing like a little head protection when you are risking life and limb on slippery ice. You can't tell, but most of the driveway was clear (that is why I would get so close to the skaters) and the boys had to utilize this little strip as their skating rink. They were so funny, they knew it was almost Christmas because of the ice on the ground and they just know that we will have snow before Santa comes. I hope they don't have some secret info.......
I remember doing the same sort of thing as a child. Thanks for the memories. We had quite the storm, our roads are still not even close to clear.
Leave to my boy to get a helmet! Gotta protect the noggin!
Good thing you always post about my kids since I never do! Go mimi!
Oh, I hope they are right about the snow!
By the way, HANDS DOWN your Christmas card wins this year. Best one ever!!! So precious, and what a time to do it, since you have the perfect ages! LOVE IT!!!!
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