Since we have already rung in 2010, I really felt like I couldn't wrap up last year without posting our last Christmas celebration that we enjoyed on December 27. We all gathered in Yukon at Greg's folks church. We were able to use their Family Life Center and it made for a great day. No worries about what the grandchildren would break or tear up and lots of room to run off that childhood energy. There was still plenty of snow on the ground and I can only say I am thankful that we were spared that storm.

I think you might call this the intellectual table, notice none of my immediate family are sitting right there....

As usual, we had plenty of good, fattening, food.

Cute little Ruby never minds taking time to eat - she takes after her Mimi.

I am still trying to get a good picture of Max, and he is still trying to foil my plans.

Of course, you can't have a Christmas party without gifts.

Uncle Josh got a "head lamp" which Ben tried to take over,
unfortunately he thought he could stomp the light. It didn't work out so well for him, but he kept trying.

Jennifer's little guy, Luke, has figured out how to eat on the go. He has his mama trained well.

Don't Sally and Brandon look intense. Emily got a cool paper airplane kit for Christmas and these two "engineers" are attempting to out do each other. I never did hear who was successful.

Granddaughters never get too old to sit on Pa's lap.

Ella got this cool bag from her Nana Lisa and I'm pretty sure she might have kept such a tight hold on it that she even slept with it.

Another great thing a gym is for - a rousing game of Dodge Ball. I did notice that the adults made the kids do most of the dodging.

Even clean up time was fun.

I just love this picture, but I'm really not too sure what Brock thought of the whole thing.
Love your sense of humor, really makes your blog fun to keep up with. And the photos are always nice too =o)
That was a great idea to have it at the church! Maybe we need to something like that....we don't have as many people but we do have C.J. I love that last picture of the girls and Greg with Pa!!
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