I just had to post this story for posterity (and Ben's
embarrassment later on). He has been doing really well on his potty training. Actually, I think he has it mastered, but the waking up dry from naps and nighttime, I'm not so sure. He might actually be able to do that, but I am not willing to risk my mattress at this time, so I make him lay down in pull-ups. This makes him spitting mad! But I
persevere and insist. Today, after I finally convinced him that, yes, he was taking a nap, and yes, he was wearing a pull-up to bed, I ventured down the hall to check on him. The door to my room is closed, I had left it open, and when I tried to open it up I found it to be locked. I knew that Ben was probably sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him up, so Sam and I gathered up some screw drivers and the lock picking began. It was successful, so we
made our way quietly into the room and this is what we found....

a pull up, dry, and thrown on the foot of the bed...

and a sound asleep Ben, going commando. I am also happy to report that the mattress was nice and dry at the end of the nap.
Too funny! I'm so glad you ended up with a dry mattress.
That is just the funniest story. =o) Glad there wasn't a leak!
Can he breathe! A posterior for posterity! How cute!
I guess it could be worse! You could be worried about number 2!
Cute story, love me some Benny!
that is too cute! i am sure this photo will make an appearance at another time down the road...poor ben!
haha! I do believe Ben is not one to bend his ways when he wants something!
LOVE this post!!!!
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